Pics of Me

Back in Black.JPG (27176 bytes)

This is me dressed for Brant's funeral (Gordon's brother). I look like an arms dealer.

Green Man.JPG (41481 bytes)

This is me dressed as the Green Man for Halloween 2001. Actually, it looked better later in the evening, probably because of the rum.

Nocker 1.JPG (44039 bytes) Nocker 2.JPG (52275 bytes)

Me dressed as a Nocker for Halloween 2000. Nobody knew what the hell I was. I just thought it looked nifty, and it gave me an excuse to wear that ugly shirt.

Pics of Me
Faire Pictures
Just Plain Strange

entrOpy MULTIMEDIA ] We Suck Club ] Gaming ] Myth ] Tarot ]

email: onaymad@icqmail.com - p00ka@hotmail.com