Tambrect, the Holy EmpireHistory and Culture: Tambrect lies on the northern and eastern part of the continent, spanning a vast amount of land from the foothills of the Dragon Mountains, to the plains of Sarna, all the way to the shores of the Sea of Pawzea. It also includes the island kingdom of Alanth, and the mountain kingdom of Cybaria. Tambrect is named for its founder, Oulandt Tambreci, who took on the holy quest to oust the Dragon Kings from his native lands, which are now the Kingdom of Sarna. With the might of the Varia behind him, he slew the servants of the dragons, and imprisoned the storm god Charatt, Lord of Dragons, within the mouth of the Cauldron. Tambreci then founded the Noble Varial Houses, one for each of his generals and great priests, and sought to rule the newly freed lands under the auspices of the Varia. Peace did last for over a century, but time always seeks to change things. With the house of Cybaria left to guard the tomb of Charatt, most assumed that the Lord of Dragons would not be heard from again. But this was not to be - soon Charatt began to whisper in the ears of those closest to him, promising power for those who would free him. Those who listened renamed themselves the Ibarites and sought rebellion against the Holy Order of the Sacred Stars. Civil war has reigned for over 80 years now, with Ibarite heretics smashing temples to the Varia and Tambran Templars only barely holding them back. The People: Tambran folk tend to the average or stocky build - men are generally around 160-190 lbs. and 5'10"; women average 110-130 lbs and 5'5". Fair skin and black or dark brown hair are most common, though blonde is not uncommon. Their eyes are usually brown, hazel or blue, while green or grey are very uncommon. Most men wear moustaches or beards, and noblemen usually trim them stylishly. Linen and woolen clothes are most common, with medium length pants and leggings. Most nobility and wealthy folk wear brightly colored and decorated clothing that is loose fitting and bears markings of their station or occupation. Fighting men can be seen in many cities (especially those close to the Cybarian border), wearing chain mail and bearing shields with the Sword of Tambreci crest. Life is generally comfortable in Tambrect, mostly centered around cities and large towns. The government is feudal in nature, but a great deal of power is invested in the Holy Order of the Sacred Stars. Most people know their place and stick to it. Slavery is outlawed in Tambrect, though indentured servitude and debt slavery are still practiced in some territories. Common Character Types: Templar - The Templar knights are the fighting men devoted to the Holy Order. Those wishing to become a Templar must study within the Order for at least 2 years and prove themselves to be of utmost purity and devotion, and many discover that their patron deity has bestowed a minor magickal gift upon them. The Templar order was an unofficial designation in the early years of the Empire, but since the Ibarite Heresy it has become an established force, aimed at fighting Charatt's new evil influence. [Many Templar have Treasures or other gifts (Merits) bestowed upon them by the Holy Order and their patron deity. ] Priest of the Sacred Stars - The Holy Order of the Sacred Stars is one of the most powerful forces in the Tambran Empire. It is they who interpret the will of the Varia, and who carry out the ceremonies to honor the Star Borne Gods. To become a Priest requires a minimum of 4 years of study in the church, and many devote their entire lives to service. It is uncommon for Priests to become 'adventurers,' but those who find the calling often go out into the world to bestow blessings and make discoveries in the name of their patron deities. [Major Spheres of Life and Spirit, Lesser Spheres of Matter and Forces. The common foci are wands and staves, holy water, prayers to the Varia and their glyphs. Any use of the Spirit Sphere ranked higher than 1 requires a ritual, taking a number of turns equal to twice the effect level minimum. Many Priests carry holy symbols with the glyph of their patron deity, which act as unique foci.] Magister: There are few Sorcerers outside of the clergy in Tambrect, but the Magisters are the only officially recognized group. The Magisters serve as magickal assistants to the authority in smaller towns where a Varial Temple may not be present, or as researchers in esoteric subjects in the larger cities. They also often serve as advisors to local nobility or sheriffs in outpost regions. [Major Spheres of Connection and Mind, and Lesser Spheres of Fortune and Spirit. Their foci are wands and staves, scrolls and formulas, alchemical processes, and the glyphs of the Varia. In addition, any use of detection or divination magick requires the use of a lens, mirror or other reflective surface. Many Magisters have specially made mirrors, which may be considered a unique focus.] The Faeries: Sidhe and Elves are both found on the shores of Tambrect, though relations are cool. Their attendant Pooka and Hobbit folk are also found, protected by their noble Fae brethren. Sluagh can be found in the foothills of the Dragon Mountains, though they rarely make their presence known without cause. Nymphs, Dryads, Satyrs and Centaurs can often be found in the more wild regions of the Kingdom, though they are more common near Sarna than in Tambrect proper.
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