Darius: Knight of Wands
(©1990 Harry H Long, scanned & recolored by me)
Divinatory Meanings: The quest for passion and
experience. Hot-bloodedness.
Reversed: Impetuousness. Rushing into things too quickly.
I found this picture in a rather unlikely place - some cheesy dirty
story mag that we have buried in one of our closets. I got this urge out of nowhere to dig
the box out and look through it, and this was in the first book I looked in. As soon as I
saw it I knew it was perfect for the character Darius Anehein. For those who understand
the gaming terms, Darius is a Cult of Ecstasy Mage with a Dynamic Essence - he is very
impetuous and almost obsessed with experiencing the world of magick - thus my assigning
his portrait to the Knight of Wands.
[Card definition from The Herbal
Tarot Deck by Michael Tierra, which is ©1988 U.S. Game Systems, Inc.]
XVIII The Moon XIX The Sun Knight of Wands Three of Cups Queen of Pentacles