Pentacle Queen in Neon
(2000 JPEG image)
Divinatory Meanings: Woman in charge of nurturing
and caring for others. A mother or a business woman. A woman of means and accomplishments.
A wise crone. Someone to turn to for advice.
Reversed: Irresponsible woman. Not following through with primary
responsibilities and cares. A wise stately manner that can hide inner emptiness and lack
of true knowledge.
I got this urge to make a new image; it was so strong I knew I had
to do it. Unfortunately, the inspiration was entirely vague. I tried drawing it out, to
plan it before I made the final product, but every trial image was just horrible. Then I
just sat down at the computer and started fiddling around with the Clip Art thing. Then,
out of the blue, I saw this totally 50's housewife image, and I wanted to make an art deco
sort of card.
As you can see, the art deco influence went right out the window, and quite quickly. Once
I had the original clip turned into the neon figure on the right, I reversed it, then made
a negative, which (after some cleanup) became this version of the Queen of Pentacles.
[Card definition from The Herbal
Tarot Deck by Michael Tierra, which is ©1988 U.S. Game Systems, Inc.]
XVIII The Moon XIX The Sun Knight of Wands Three of Cups Queen of Pentacles