Faerie Glamour
Those Fae who choose to be Magickal instead of Mundane
use the power of Glamour. This works as presented in the Changeling books with the
following revisions:
Casting Cantrips
Cantrips are cast almost exactly as listed in the
Changeling rules, however a point of Mana is not necessary in all cases. The D# of a
particular cantrip is generally 8, or derived from the target (usually w/ a +3 modifier).
This D# is then modified by the Bunk performed for the casting. A Bunk can be omitted by
spending a point of Mana instead, although this does not reduce the D# at all and is best
in an emergency 'fast cast' situation. The most simple Bunks do not reduce the D#, while
the more complex ones can reduce it by 3 or 4. If 2 or more Realms are required for the
cantrip, a Mana point must be spent for each Realm beyond the first. Each individual Art
has a particular Dice Pool, listed below.
Chicanery - Most things remain
the same, but the roll used is as follows:
Fuddle - Subterfuge(Enigmas+3)
Veiled Eyes - Manipulation+Stealth(8)
Fugue - Manipulation+Rapport(Intelligence+Conviction+3)
Haunted Heart - Subterfuge(Intelligence+Alertness+3)
Captive Heart - Leadership(Willpower+3)
Bunks - This Art requires that a
verbal Bunk of some sort be performed. This can be as simple as making up a new word to
the reciting of a sonnet. Many Chicanery Bunks take the form of silly phrases, though
songs also perform adequately.
Simple Bunk: A single word or short phrase (Say a word backwards 3 times,
Insult your subject, Make a strange sound)
Average Bunk: At least a full sentence (Sing part of a song, Offer a
toast to the subject, Start an argument between two people)
Complex Bunk: Several paragraphs or a complete poem (Narrate your every
action before doing it, Recite a long poem, Make up a long involved curse)
Legerdemain - This power is not
a power of illusion in Myth, but is in fact direct manipulation of the world. Because of
this, the powers had to be slightly rearranged.
Gimmix - This allows crude telekinetic manipulation of the target,
determined by the Realm. This does not allow you to lift anything heavier than you
yourself could lift, but can push or otherwise move heavy objects. The roll is
Sleight-of-Hand(8 or Might+3). Using Scene allows you to manipulate many items in the
area, but not using it in conjunction with the individual Realms imposes a +1D# penalty.
Mooch - This allows you to relocate small objects from one place to a
nearby area. The object in question must be within sight or must have been viewed within
the last minute. People and any living creature cannot be moved with this power - Realms
delineating living beings instead represent the owner of the item in question. The object
cannot be larger than a fist or weigh more than 2 pounds. The roll is
Dexterity+Subterfuge(8 or Intelligence+Alertness).
Ensnare - This power allows you to trap another by entangling them in the
environment. The Realm used determines either the target, or what is being used to ensnare
them. Unlike the power described in Changeling, this power does not allow you to move
objects in any fashion except to be used as a trap, nor does it create anything to entrap
the target if nothing is there unless the Realm used describes the target. The roll is
Dexterity+Might(8 or Might+3).
Effigy - This works as described in Changeling. The roll is
Phantom Shadows - This works as described in Changeling. The roll is
Bunks - Legerdemain requires Bunks
where the Faerie perform some action or movement, generally silly or superfluous. Such
actions may require a separate roll to accomplish, or may hinder the caster in some
fashion - the more involved or obvious, the better the Bunk.
Simple Bunk: A subtle or simple action (Curtsey or bow, cross your eyes,
Leap as high as you can and touch the ceiling or a high branch)
Average Bunk: A blatant action, often requiring a full turn to complete
(Roll around on the ground and giggle, Drink an entire flagon of ale w/o stopping for
breath, Juggle)
Complex Bunk: A complex action requiring at least a turn, if not several
(Make an origami figure, Perform a magic trick, Stand on your head and spin)
Primal - This power works
similar to the power in Changeling, with only one major change.
Spirit's Whisper - This works essentially as described in Changeling,
allowing you to speak with anything. Using a Realm describing a sentient being makes this
power work as an automatic translator, though the duration may be prohibitive (and the
Bunk used somewhat disconcerting). The roll is Intelligence+Intuition(8). If used on a
sleeping individual, this power may reveal information the target may not normally give,
in which case the D# is their Willpower+3.
Soothe and Rouse - This power allows you to quiet the rage in others, or
to bring it to the surface.The roll is Intelligence+Rapport, and if the target is
sentient, then the D# is their Willpower. Using it to calm them makes it impossible for
them to take any aggressive action for a number of turns equal to the successes, while
rousing their anger forces them to react aggressively for the same amount of time. Using
it on an inanimate object gives a D# of 8 and prevents the item from being used
aggressively, or makes it 'want' to be used aggressively. If used against natural forces
(such as fire or violent weather) it makes it harmless to the caster for a number of turns
equal to the successes, and this protection can be extended to others by expending a
success for each other person. If it is used to rouse the phenomena, it makes any damage
it causes be resisted at a D# of 8 instead of 6 and causes it to whip into a frenzy for a
number of turns equal to the successes.
Mending Touch - This works as described in Changeling. The roll is
Intelligence+Rapport(8 for objects, 9 for places, 4+ # of wound levels for beings).
Shield and Strike - This works as described in Changeling. The roll is
Alter Form - This works as described in Changeling. The roll is
Intelligence+Endurance(8 for self, 9 for inanimate objects, Willpower for other beings).
Bunks - Bunks for Primal require the
attainment and use of a natural element. Higher level Bunks require that the element be
crafted in some fashion.
Simple Bunk: Common elements (Imitate a bird call, Sprinkle the subject
with fresh water, Listen to a seashell)
Average Bunk: Uncommon elements, or crafted common ones (Eat a 4-Leaf
clover, Cut your palm and offer the blood, Eat a cake made with many spices)
Complex Bunk: A rare element, or crafted uncommon one (Strike your
subject with a holly whip, Massage the subject with scented oils, Drink a vile concoction
made of unusual ingredients)
Soothsay - This power works
mostly as described in Changeling, with only one major change.
Sense Fortune - Intuition(8)
Fair is Foul, Foul is Fair - Perception+Enigmas(9)
Scrying - Investigation(8 or subject's Wits+Stealth+3 if they are trying
to hide)
Vision - This works in one of two ways. The roll is
Perception+Divination(9), and the successes determine the clarity of the vision. It gives
a brief and often cryptic vision of future events, relating somehow to the Realm used. If
3 or more successes are rolled, the caster may opt to describe an event relating to the
Realm, which the GM will insert into future events. The GM is not in any way obligated to
follow outlandish or inappropriate prophecies, and if they are given he is more than
welcome to apply the caveat 'be careful what you wish for.'
Fate Fire - Perception+Meditation(9)
Bunks - The Bunks of this Art require
that the caster employ the tools of divination and fortune. At higher levels the caster
will need to perform a divination ritual taking several turns.
Simple Bunk: Wield a minor divination object (Gaze into a quartz crystal,
Roll a pair of dice, Hold a lock of the subject's hair)
Average Bunk: Perform a simple divination (Scatter runes on the ground
and read them, Stare into the broken shards of a mirror, Burn a bag filled with special
herbs and scatter the ashes to the winds)
Complex Bunk: Perform an extended divination (Sprinkle blood on the sand
and read the patterns, Perform a 3-day crystal divination, Chew the wax of a candle burned
for 7 days)
Sovereign - This works as
described in Changeling, with the following rolls:
Protocol - Etiquette(8)
Dictum - Charisma+Leadership(Wits+Self-Control+3)
Grandeur - Charisma+Seduction(Willpower+3)
Royal Seal - Charisma+Intimidation(9)
Geas - Charisma+Leadership(Wits+Conviction+3)
Bunks - This royal Art requires that
the caster conduct himself in a noble manner or adorn himself with royal garments. Grand
and haughty statements and gestures are the province of these cantrips.
Simple Bunk: A simple gesture (Put on a pair of spotless white gloves,
Salute your subject, Break a wine glass upon the ground)
Average Bunk: A commanding statement (Apply intricate makeup to your
face, Gesture with an ornate wand or weapon, Swear loyalty to your subject)
Complex Bunk: Issue a proclamation (Henceforth call the subject by a new
name, Stand on high ground and recite an epic poem, Swear an oath by your full name and/or
that of your target)
Wayfare - This also works as
described, with only one exception.
Hopscotch - Wits+Athletics(8)
Quicksilver - This power adds the successes to all following Initiative
rolls as long as the Bunk is maintained. If the target is an inanimate object then its
speed is increased by a factor of the successes. Using Prop to increase the speed of a
weapon acts as if the wielder were the target, though the GM is within his rights to
increase D#'s if the effect is unexpected or wildly successful. The roll is
Portal Passage - Wits+Burglary(8)
Wind Runner - Wits+Endurance(9)
Flicker Flash - Wits+Enigmas (7 if the target is willing, Willpower+3 if
the subject, or whoever is holding the subject is unwilling)
Bunks - The Bunks for this Art require
that the Faerie physically move his body in some manner - anything from a simple jump to
leaping and spinning in the air and landing on his head. At higher levels, these Bunks
require a prop of some sort.
Simple Bunk: A simple, quick movement (Jump in the air, Do a cartwheel,
Flap your arms like a giant bird)
Average Bunk: A simple action with a prop, or a complex action (Perform a
short dance, Make a pile of sand on your hand and blow it off, Trace a route on a map in
Complex Bunk: A complex action requiring a prop or great physical force
(Thrust a blade into the floor, Draw a face on an egg and then break the egg, Jump off the
top of a tall building or tree)
Actor - This Realm deals with
the Mannish folk. How the Faerie relates to the human determines which Realm level is
used. This works exactly as described in Changeling.
Fae - This Realm describes the
Faeries, and all manner of Magickal phenomena. The level used is determined by how close
to the Faerie the target is.
Familiar Kith - Any Faerie of the same Court who claims the same
Foreign Face - Any Faerie of the same Court that was born in a different
Manifold and Many - Any corporeal Magickal creature, or any Faerie of a
different Court.
Tenuous Spirit - Any Magickal creature without a physical form.
Aura of Mana - Anything created by or powered by Magick that isn't alive.
Nature - This Realm comprises
the awesome forces, elements, and beings of Nature. This had to be totally reworked for
Stable Elements - Water and Earth, plants, and unliving organic material.
Cold Creature - Any normal animal that is cold blooded and not sentient.
Dynamic Elements - Fire and Air. This does not affect lightning, nor does
it account for weather that could be classified as a storm.
Feral Animal - Any normal, warm blooded animal that isn't sentient.
Natural Phenomena - This covers storms, earthquakes, lightning, and other
major elemental occurrences.
Prop - This Realm covers all
manner of inanimate objects, created for some particular use. It works almost exactly as
described in Changeling.
Ornate Garb - This can affect money at +1 D#
Crafted Tool - as is
Mechanical Device - as is
Complex Machine - Anything up to the size of a carriage, with moving
parts and even involving chemical reactions. Use of this realm requires that the caster
have a basic working knowledge of how the device works.
Arcane Artifact - Anything larger than a carriage, up to the size of a
room, or something the caster does not understand.
Scene - This works as described
in Changeling 1st edition and depends not only on the amount of area covered, but what
that area is. The Realm names basically describe the area.
The Chamber
The Cottage
The Lonely Lane
The Glen
The Castle
Time - This Realm works
differently than the others - it is never used alone, but is instead used to either extend
the duration of the Cantrip, or to delay the effect for a time. If used as a delay, the D#
is increased by the Realm level used (rounded up).
Parting Glance - The effect is sustained until the caster leaves the area
of effect, or is delayed until the caster leaves.
Hourglass Turn - The effect is sustained or delayed an hour.
By the Sun - The effect is sustained or delayed until the next sunrise or
Labor's Length - The effect is sustained or delayed for a week.
Moon's Measure - The effect is sustained or delayed for a month.
Character Sheet Paths of Virtue Backgrounds Merits & Flaws Equipment Faerie Glamour
entrOpy MULTIMEDIA Setting Rules The Story