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Wednesday, 16 June 2004
In the mood to be mean at someone I met only once
Mood:  loud
Topic: Bitchy rants
So I'm kicking it at a friend's place a while back, minding my own business getting a bevvie in the kitchen. A friend of hers that I'd been hearing about for a while was over, we did the whole "Hello - my name is - nicetameetcha" thing, and she was sitting in the living room watching the TV that I had so thoughtfully put on a channel of my own choosing. I was actually missing Cowboy Bebop: The Movie because people were talking over it, but that's okay because I know one day I will own it and I can watch it at my leisure.

So anyway, this nameless wench decides she has to pop off with "It makes me so mad that they play these adult cartoons on the Cartoon Network. I mean, kids are going to see this shit, and what kind of pathetic adult needs to watch cartoons." I know what you're thinking - why didn't I throttle her and throw her twitching body into a nearby body of water to be devoured by crayfish? Because I'm nice.

But fuck her anyway - I told her the truth as I see it . "It's after 10 pm, when those kids should be asleep."

"Oh I know all kinds of kids that are still up at this hour and they don't need to be watching this."

"That's what the V-Chip is for. And besides, Cartoon Network puts up plenty of 'not for kids' notices, the block of 'toons in question is called 'Adult Swim' for a reason, and if I'm pathetic for watching cartoons then so be it."

There was more to the argument, but I don't feel like trying to dredge it up from memory. Suffice to say, like in most cases, I was right and she was wrong.

And then the bitch has the nerve to say to our mutual friend: "Oh I like him, he's feisty. He's willing to defend himself." Oh fuck you - don't patronize me you goo-bin. I'm not feisty, I'm in the right; I'm not defending myself, I'm pointing out the obvious error of your ignorant thinking. Just because a piece of programming consists of animated pictures instead of real-life actors does not make it strictly for kids you fucking moron.

Oy! I hate people! I should also mention that she was stupid enough to not notice that it wasn't on the Cartoon Network but a channel you have to pay extra for. Dumbass. Leave my cartoons alone!

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 1:04 AM CDT
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Thursday, 22 April 2004
Just complaining, nothing important
Topic: Bitchy rants
So the fucking cd's I brought for Wolf are coming out useless for fun value. Not completely worthless, but not the ease of use one usually claims with cd action. So it's a stack of annoying to get to listen to music.

But I did haul a few of mine own music, and listened to that during free cell and whatever it was on tv. I've been so bad. Definitely must visit the family unit after the weekend, spend a few days and play with the girls. I still have to teach my sisters (and several others in fact) how to play hand & foot and Split. Hell, I even brought dominoes in case I got in a mood for that.

Now I just have to get the rpg stuff from my Mom's place.

Okay, so I didn't thoroughly read that link on Hand and Foot before I used it. The rules there are different from how I learned how to play. Go figure. Still a fun game.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 3:14 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 July 2004 12:52 AM CDT
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Sunday, 18 April 2004
First weekend
Topic: Bitchy rants
We got rained out on Saturday. Complete bummage. But Sunday did happen, though slowly, and in all I got my dose of Faire in.

I'm really annoyed with the pizza people though. I have been craving the vegetarian pizza for a couple weeks now. We went there so I could have a slice for lunch, but they didn't have any and I had to fice with pepperoni. And it's not like it's pizza worth trekking through Faire for. So I did end up getting a slice of the veggie later on when two-for-one's was going on, but it turns out they changed the recipe to something not worth trekking through Faire for. Bastards.

You know, sobriety and Faire just don't mix. I take the last of my antibiotics (part II) tonight, and good riddance. Now I have to make up for a weekend.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 10:36 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 July 2004 12:53 AM CDT
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Thursday, 15 April 2004
Annoyed, mostly by small things
Topic: Bitchy rants
I have to be sober for the first weekend of Faire thanks to the evil sty returning to haunt me. So now I've got an antibiotic regimen again, and more fun with goop in the eye. Really, besides the enforced sobriety, the most annoying thing will be having to put goop in my eye in the all-dirt environment that is Faire site. I need a cool eyepatch.

The Ponderosa house continues to irk me too - now we're looking at a possible $1000 plumbing bill to fix the rotted wood under the toilets. HATE THAT HOUSE! I just can't wait 'til the fucking thing sells.

Insert gaming rant here.

Got another call on the cel for that Amanda woman. Fuck, it's been a year now - can't this crazy bitch get her shit together and stop giving people the wrong number? And she seriously needs to call her grandma and tell her to stop leaving messages on our voicemail. How can she not know it's the wrong number?

They're playing Animatrix this Saturday on Adult Swim, which means I'll miss it. Bastards.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 12:12 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 July 2004 12:54 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 30 March 2004
Somebody please shoot me
Topic: Bitchy rants
Use a shotgun and aim it right for my nose. Point blank, please.

I have been sneezing all fucking day, and it's driving me apeshit. To call this affliction an allergy is demeaning to the pure hell it truly is. Normally I'm not bothered by such silly things as a stuffy or running nose, sinus headache or any other symptoms commonly mentioned in a pill ad. Usually it's an infernal itch, one deeper than the skin, that comes and goes all through the day and makes my usually sunny disposition one of pure irritability. And most times I consider myself lucky if a pill manages to take care of it.

Oh, but now with the sneezing. The whole right side of my face is in rebellion at this point, and I've soaked through two handkerchiefs. I tried to medicate it away, I've tried to shower it away, I've even tried blowing my nose hard enough to almost rupture an eardrum in an attempt to dislodge the offending tickle.

So today I'm doomed to be in an unpleasant mood. I'm going to go read now, for as long as my nose is willing to cooperate with that.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 1:46 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 15 July 2004 1:00 AM CDT
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Friday, 26 March 2004
I hate that house
Topic: Bitchy rants
The Ponderosa house is finally under contract. Apparently the traditional celebration for this particular phase of the selling an evil house process requires running a vacuum cleaner. Actually, we just needed to clean up the little dust piles that accumulated from the last sand storm. The appraiser is supposed to look the house over soon, which means we could end up stuck with that damn house forever if something unforgivable is found.

That friggen' house is a money pit. Every time I turn around something else has to be tended to, and it's usually at some inconvenient time. I'm tired of vacuuming it, I'm tired of sprucing it up, I'm tired of finding some new expensive thing to get fixed. I will dance a jig of pure glee when we're finally rid of it.

The potential buyer already has his financing approved, which is very good. He doesn't want the barn, and yet he's still paying almost the price we wanted for the whole place. Shhh... don't tell anyone. If everything goes well we should be loose from the accursed place by the end of May.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 11:54 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 15 July 2004 1:01 AM CDT
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Monday, 22 March 2004
It worked again
Topic: Bitchy rants
See - I bitch on here and things get fixed. Two shiny new posts in my game, and even an apology from both offending players.

So in that spirit...
WTF is up with me not being a multi-million lotto winner? Where's my fuckin' money? If anybody deserves to be on easy street it's me, because I am so insanely cool just looking at me causes flashbacks, obsessive behavior and a delusional state. Hey! Fork over the dough!

*Waiting patiently for the cash to roll in*

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 11:05 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 15 July 2004 1:07 AM CDT
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Saturday, 20 March 2004
For the record
Topic: Bitchy rants
Those who know me and love me likely don't need this silly disclaimer bit, and I'm sure anyone who reads this is among them, making this entire post moot. But just in case I've made some error in judgement, here it is. Better get comfortable or click off to something nicer, because despite me editing this down to a managable sized chunk it's going to be an big fat rant.

Expect me to bitch a lot. It entertains me. Don't expect me to be logical, consistent or even rational. This also entertains me.

For instance, I know many times in the past I've ranted on about those of the Christian faith. I don't care what you think or feel on the subject - I happen to believe these complaints are entirely valid. Mainly my problem is with the proseletyzing, which I think is amazingly arrogant and rude. I have friends and family with varying degrees of devotion and particular flavors of that particular religion. I know there are perfectly wonderful Christian folks out there that I've never met, living nice happy lives not devoted to pissing me off. These people I refer to, textwise, as Christians - regardless of the particular version of their Almighty they subscribe to. Then there are those who are fucking up a basically decent religion by trying to force it on anyone they can get their hands on and insisting that its trappings appear everywhere. (I shouldn't have to provide links here.) These I refer to as xians. There, now you know the difference. Feel free to point at them and laugh. I do.

You may have noticed my disdain for the majority of shit-monkey humans that infest this planet. I try to maintain a healthy sarcastic distance from the stinking mobs that plague my waking dreams, one that often seems cynical. I remember once trying to explain this attitude to my dad, and mistakenly used a flippant tone. He said "There's no need to be cynical." Well why the fuck not? Living in a world determined to hate me gives me a license to be a cynical misanthropic asshole if you ask me. Hello - I'm an unemployed heathen faggot dropout drug addict with no interest in being a 'useful' member of society. That sentence right there gives every entrenched ideology a reason to deny me my basic civil rights. Well go right ahead, I wasn't using them anyway. I'm sorry if I have nothing nice to say about a bunch of assholes who think my living my life the way I please where they're not even going to see me doing it somehow infringes on their happiness and well being. Get over it - I'm not going to convert, fuck, educate, cast a spell on, or otherwise interact with you, your children or any of your social peers unless asked to. And even then I'll likely ignore you because I'm a contrary bastard.

And about the profanity - expect great heaping mounds of it. I don't understand where people get the idea that a word is somehow going to hurt them. They're words! Sounds produced by little flexible flaps of tissue or little glyphs strung together that convey ideas. They aren't magical portals from Satan's anus. I don't give a rat's ass whether you use vulgarities or not, but giving me any speech about how bad they are, how stupid and uneducated they make me seem or whatever bullshit excuse you have for giving me that oh I feel so sorry for you look only vindicates me. They have the power to transmit pure evil into your soul only if you give them that power. It's that simple.

Face it - I'm not obligated to be kind or nice. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy extruding the occasional nugget of joy out into the world. I just like to save those moods for people I actually give a shit about. If you pay me the courtesy of being civil and basically leaving me alone I am more than happy to fade into the background and not ruin your living experience. If I offend you, ignore me - I do the same for you. If somehow I end up falling into some category that requires you to revile me, feel free to hate me right to my evil little core. Just don't expect me to care.

Finally, anyone who complains that this is a self-indulgent pile of crap needs to be cold-cocked, dragged out into the field and eaten by my feline minions while still wriggling. Yes I'm a fucking egomaniac - I am indeed the center of the universe, the world does revolve around me, and you should be pissing your panties in Pavlovian glee to have my insights pumped directly into your pineal gland (or any other gland that strikes your fancy). If this upsets you, you can just get the hell off my planet.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 8:49 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 15 July 2004 1:07 AM CDT
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That's twice now
Topic: Bitchy rants
Okay, I get it. Whenever I get irked about something, the surest way to get it fixed seems to be posting about it to this blog. Got my Assamite book today.

Now, how best to use this new diabolical power of mine...

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 1:58 AM CST
Updated: Thursday, 15 July 2004 1:09 AM CDT
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Friday, 19 March 2004
Why is it I only post on here when I'm irritated about something?
Topic: Bitchy rants
It's been a month since I won the Assamite clanbook on eBay. More than a month, in fact, and I still haven't gotten it. WTF is up with that? It's not that I'm just dying to have that book in my hands right now, because really it's my least favorite clan. I just want to have all of them. ALL. And this one makes my collection just that much more complete.

Of course it will be a miracle if I do manage to get all the White Wolf books I want, especially now that they've gone and murdered the World of Darkness. Not that it didn't need killing, but I'm still annoyed by it. All the books that were prohibitively rare have now become these insane collectors items - I just want the information in them, dammit!

I resisted the urge to buy into their other lines, except to get the core rulebook for Aberrant. That turned out to be a bit of a waste, because I just don't have the facility for superhero material. I should have picked up the Adventure! book though - that pulp stuff just looks fun.

Fortunately FanPro picked up FASA's Shadowrun, so now I have a new mess of books to collect. Maybe one day I'll actually get to use these things to run a game.

No, that's a rant for another day.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 12:34 AM CST
Updated: Thursday, 15 July 2004 1:17 AM CDT
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