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Born into it
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Totally Betty
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Sunday, 26 March 2006
Some bump and some boom
Mood:  happy
Topic: Brain candy
Went with the hubby today to watch V for Vendetta. He snoozed through about 20 minutes of it, which isn't entirely surprising considering that we had a big lunch just before the movie. I was pleased with the movie - and a bit surprised that there wasn't a massive special effects factor. I imagine that the movie won't play well around here though, because most folks around here either won't like or won't get the political message being portrayed. I couldn't care less about any political blah, I thought it was a great watch.

I also picked up the singles collection cd by the Chemical Brothers the other day. Kinda nice to get a cd at the regular price and have a bonus cd thrown in. I have yet to listen to the actual singles cd though, because the bonus tracks are kicking so much ass. I had that baby cranked up all the way home from Clovis. Damn, it's got bump in it so hard it'll give ya whiplash. Lovin' it!

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 10:45 PM CST
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Friday, 24 March 2006
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Life in Texas
I meant to post this yesterday, but some weird bug has me in its clutches and insists that I stay on some demented day schedule. I mean, look down there at the posting time. I didn't stay up all night to get to this time and post, I woke up in the single digits. Madness!

Anyway, what the point of this post is, is to say that it snowed. Seriously - like maybe 1/2 an inch or so. It started out round noonish, only it was these tiny, inconsequential specks of white on the ground. I was gonna call the hubby about it, but I figured there wasn't any real need. So I get to doing the daily Bettyness, look up through the kitchen window, and *doink!* there are these fat flakes of snow floating down. I was on the phone to the hubby in 15 seconds.

It actually hung around until the next day (being yesterday), and now the ground around the house is all squishy and wet. This means that we'll have something green out in the field for the cattle to eat, and that means that we'll be buying some new cattle sooner or later.

It also means we ended up getting mildly screwed. It just figures that the weather we've been waiting for comes around just before we have the insurance guy go to the Ponderosa place to check the crop. We'd hoped to have that crop completely failed, because it did. But I believe that the wet perked it up just enough that he decided we could have made 1 bushel, so that will be deducted from whatever insurance we get. Biiiiig surprise. Fek weather.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 10:31 AM CST
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Sunday, 19 March 2006
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Bitchy rants
Hate my ISP. Hate it hate it HATE IT!

See, when I first moved out here everything was basically fine. Sure, living out the sticks means having to sacrifice a couple things here and there, but I can survive. Plus, the Fivearea Telephone Co-op made a perfectly fine ISP at the time. Dialup may be slow and kinda lame, but it managed to get me internet and keep me happy.

Not so anymore. I don't know what happened - now it seems that at least once, and usually several times a night I get disconnected because their modem gets bored. And then sometimes instead of just disconnecting me their modem sits there and idles for a few minutes, then works for a bit, then idles again.

It's pissing me off. If Fivearea wasn't the only game in town we'd have switched by now. Hell, I've been disconnected 3 times tonight already, and their lamer modem is in random idle mode right now. I may have to hit the posty button a good 3-5 times before this post makes it to the blog, and then it'll probably double post so I'll have to delete the redundant one.


Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 3:45 AM CST
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About fucking time!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Life in Texas
It finally rained today. It started right when the hubby got up and was getting in the shower for work. It pounded down for a bit, then decided it would rather be hail for a while, then changed its mind and went back to rain before it just gave up altogether.

Apparently it's been wet-ish and misty all day, but I slept through that. If this is all we get, then it isn't really going to count because it was less than half an inch. We need it to happen again, hopefully all weekend.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 3:31 AM CST
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Saturday, 18 March 2006
Is it really a burrito then?
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Totally Betty
They say everything is bigger in Texas. I'm not going to debate that particular statement now because I don't really care, but I can say with certainty that it is wholly untrue with regard to tortillas. I don't know what the deal is, but I have had the worst trouble finding an actual burrito-sized tortilla out here. They have these totally normal sized ones, just slightly bigger than what you would use for a soft taco, and they are fine if you want to eat 2-3 burritos. But when I make a burrito I like to have one large one - I figure I may as well get the whole meal done with in one fell swoop. And besides, sometimes I like to slop a little sauce on, and a little burrito about the size of a block of cheese is just not worth the trouble.

So today the hubby and I hit the United for our usual bi-monthly grocery trip, and at the end of it, while we were standing at the deli waiting for our lunch meat to be sliced, he noticed the varied selection of 'wraps' displayed at below knee height in front of the deli case. A wrap is a tortilla, of course, only apparently you're supposed to put salad or sandwich stuff into it instead of your personal burrito filling of choice. And these wraps are roughly 1/2 an inch short of what I would call burrito sized (which is still bigger than the tortillas they sell from the tortilla shelf way in the back).

The only flavor that agreed with my sensibilities at the time was a garlic herb wrap, so I picked up one of the packages. There are only 6 in it, and that already irks me, but we're not going to get into my stupid packaging issues. So we had burritos for dinner - or wait, are they officially wraps now? I mean, I put a meat/bean filling with cheese inside and rolled it up and called it a burrito, but if the package says 'wrap' does that mean I have indeed served a non-burrito trendy foodstuff instead of the good old burrito that I have been craving pretty much since I came out here?

A stupid conundrum, I know, but I felt the need to wrap my brain around it.

Yes, I know - even stupider pun.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 4:34 AM CST
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Don't do it!
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Various webshit
One of the easiest and stupidest games I've ever seen: Don't Shoot the Puppy!

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 3:52 AM CST
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Friday, 17 March 2006
Look ma, no wires!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Mixed bag
First off I want to open with a warning - to those of you know know me well enough there will be a shocking phrase somewhere down in the text below. Make sure you are sitting down (which you should be if you are at the computer reading, you freak) because you may actually faint in astonishment.

Running amok in Clovis...

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 2:09 PM CST
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Wednesday, 15 March 2006
Needed to break in a new topic
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Born into it
I am a bad uncle. Very bad.

See, one of my nieces has already called and sent a letter asking when I'll be going out to Cali. I haven't told anyone there yet, but I will soon. I already know that I'll be getting a big sister speech about how I won't be stepping off the plane and directly into the front yard.

But that's not it. See, I was supposed to try and maybe be out there for said niece's b-day party deal. Only like a total dumbshit I forgot to consider that date when the plane tickets were bought. Oh yeah, and I don't actually know what the date is. I'm terrible about such things - and I can't find the picture that has her birthday written on the back.

I know, I know - I could solve this non-problem by picking up the phone and asking. It's a bit late for that now, since the tickets are bought. Also, it kinda gives it away that I'm a thoughtless clod when I have to ask when said birthday is. So now I'm just gonna have to keep my fingers crossed that everything just magically coincides all on its own (which it won't, I'm sure) and I can pretend that I planned it that way all along.

Very bad uncle.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 8:03 AM CST
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One reason why my fat head is out of control
Mood:  rushed
Topic: It's all about me
The madness has started spiraling out of control, and I'm not even in Cali yet. Already I've got 4 separate factions of people willing to throw down and get all crazy over who gets to have me first, most, and NOW NOW NOW. And how many people do you have fighting over you, huh? I'm already a raging egomaniac as it is people, I don't know why you insist on feeding the beast.

But seriously, it is indeed a mad scramble for me to get to see as many people as possible on my annual jaunt out, and to do as much as possible as well. And believe me, the doing part is a big thing for me because I'm not really all that motivated unless I've got someone doing to motivating for me. Plus, having to cram all manner of activity into weekdays tends to cramp some people's plans.

The funny thing to me is how every year I do actually worry whether or not the Cali/Faire thing is going to work out, and despite that nonsense (you'd think I'd have learned by now...) I still manage to get out there every year. Plans are already evolving their way into place. I've got passage booked, I've got a pick-up arranged, I've even got my first week planned out for me. One thing I've learned by now is to not bother actually setting any real plans in stone because they seem to grow just fine on their own organically.

Ahhhh, it's a curse being so popular.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 4:13 AM CST
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Highly unlikely
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Various webshit
damyano --

An immortal

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 3:58 AM CST
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