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Wednesday, 8 June 2005
Totally unfair fucking with me
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Bitchy rants
So I'm watching Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex because that show is straight up fucking awesome, and this ep in particular (Portraitz) really got me going. It looks like they're revealing a big fat clue as to who or what the Laughing Man is. Very very cool.

Well, except for the fact that at the very end of it there's this 3 line message written on a baseball mitt that I know is important in some way, only they don't leave it up long enough for me to read it. Fuckers. So come on - what was the message? I'm dying to know!

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 4:03 AM CDT
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Thursday, 31 March 2005
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Bitchy rants
That's 2 fucks for each thing pissing me off:

I take 1 night off from the internet, 1 motherfucking night, and somehow something huge gets sent to my mailbox and exceeds my disk quota. This is annoying, but not so much that I want to put my fist through a wall. What makes me nearly homicidal about it is that this has locked up my mailbox. Now, how in the fuck does preventing me from checking my mail and getting those messages off their little bitch server help the fact that there are too many messages in my inbox? Fucking tech geeks and their retard logic.

But things can't seem to piss me off singly. No, that would be far too easy. The two games I've been playing on IRC have had to go to a post format because one of our group went and got a real life and can't quite schedule for late night gaming right now. At first we moved them to a mail group (google's, which kinda sucked, then yahoo's) but we got tired of the whole delay thing. I suggested moving them to rondaks. I don't know if the D&D game has made it through yet, but I haven't seen it. You see, in order to run a game on rondaks you have to submit an application for it and have it accepted. Now isn't that the stupidest fucking ego bullshit you've ever heard? I've submitted my Mage game twice now, and it's been rejected both times for completely bullshit reasons. Here, look for yourself:

It appears this is a private game, but you should make that clearer. And please either change it to unlurkable or give a bit of description.

It sounds as though this is a private game (i.e. you already have all your players). If so, please say so clearly at the top of the description

What the fuck difference does it make? I just brought 2 new people to your little ego fortress and you expect me to put up with this crap, you little shit monkeys? If I didn't have my BCB game so fully entrenched on there I'd cancel my account for this affront. Bullshit, pure and simple.

They will pay for their insolence.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 1:27 AM CST
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Thursday, 3 February 2005
More irritation
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Bitchy rants
Somebody at Emerson will pay.

The hubby and I went to Wal*Mart a couple weeks back to buy a completely overpriced and unnecessary piece of equipment - a VHS/DVD recorder, mainly to dub some tapes to disc. We had to return it because it was fuctup and ate a tape, and got a new one. We have bought 2 stacks of blank DVDs to feed the thing. And how many DVDs have we burned so far?


The first stack of DVDs wouldn't work because they are DVD+R, and it doesn't specify anywhere on the box that the little '+' means 'does not work on this machine.' I can live with that - they should still work fine on the laptop.

After reading the instructions (which were obviously written in some other language and then translated to 'English' by crack monkeys) I learned that we needed DVD-R. Note the dash, not plus in there. So I grabbed a stack of non-plus bearing dash-R DVD type discs. And how many of them are now bearing dubbed VHS goodness? You know the answer. Apparently the fucking machine just plain doesn't like the brand of discs I got, or it didn't feel like working yesterday, or maybe - just maybe - I'm being fucked with again.

I so don't want to have to deal with some bitch tech motherfucker on the phone. I know he won't speak English with any clarity and I just can't tolerate Geek Speak, especially when I'm in a pissy mood. I had the urge to just beat the shit out of the machine. I hate it when inanimate objects defy me. But no - it would be the height of counterproductive to destroy the damn thing, unless I were to use it to beat some asshole at Emerson senseless for making it behave this way in the first place.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 6:21 AM CST
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Monday, 24 January 2005
I'm not imagining it...
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Bitchy rants
This weekend was filled to the brim with petty annoyances. I'm going to spare you the rant - it's really not worth hearing me bitch about a whole bunch of inconveniences. There is one thing I want to point out, however. I have proof that the world was designed specifically to piss me off...

The fucking tape adapter for my mp3 player has been stuck in the radio of the pickup for well over a month now. I don't see any hope of ever getting the useless thing out of there. I got myself one of those little FM transmitters as a replacement, and I was rather pleased to see how well it works. It has a switch on one side of it to choose from 1 of 4 different frequencies, so you have a range of choices in case one of them has a station on it and it's giving you interference. I do at least half of my driving in Clovis, NM.

Clovis has a fucking radio station on every one of those 4 frequencies. That's it. I'm gonna have to blow one up.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 9:32 AM CST
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Saturday, 11 December 2004
Oy, husbands!
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Bitchy rants
You know, I love the man but some days he just drives me absolutely nuts. Take tonight for instance. I've been working on getting the house in shape for the impending ma-in-law xmas special. We're getting a little preview moment tomorrow - our sister called a week back and asked if she and her daughter could come and take us out to lunch. I figured out what parts of the chore list were priority and have been working on getting that stuff done.

Now of course other crapo projects have to get done at the same time. We had to make sure the fence was hot and let the cattle out so the new ones could learn all about the thrilling human realities of property lines and electricity. Then we had to clear the last of the old cotton seed out of the trailer (oh so fun for my back) and get a fresh load from the gin. Then the hubby wanted to stand around and watch the cattle, to make sure they didn't accidentally escape despite the hotwire. Well that's fine, but I had shit to do and I was already running low on work motivation.

So I go in the house and get to finishing up the priority stuff on my list. Mind you, I've been mentioning said list for a week now. The hubby keeps asking me to peep out the window to see what the cattle are doing, as if he doesn't have eyes. We did have to chase one little miscreant back in, but so far they've been behaved. Then, after I'd finished wrapping up the xmas shopping and was on a break, he asks what he can do to help. So I give him a simple task: clean the bathroom. In fact, what I told him was to nevermind the shower entirely (because none of our impending guests intended to use it, and it was as clean as it was going to get anyway short of a sand blasting) and just clean the toilet and the sink. Satisfied that this would keep him busy for a bit, I set to the next item on the list. After a minute I hear him running the bath tap, so I go in there, and he's scrubbing the fekkin' tub! So I tell him "Get out of there! Close the curtain, nobody needs to see in there. All I wanted was for you to clean the toilet and the sink." He tells me "Okay," and gets out of the tub, and for some silly reason I figure everything is okay and get back to what I was doing.

You would think I'd have learned by now.

I finish what I was doing and go peep in on him to see how he's doing, and he meets me at the bathroom door to tell me he's done, give out, and the floor around the stool is clean and sanitized. Okay, here's a quick test for you. Look up there, where I gave him the instructions (twice) and find the two things I specified needed cleaning. Was 'floor' one of the two? Oy! The toilet: still dirty, the sink: still dirty, the floor: halfway clean.

I'm starting to suspect that the fleshy protuberances on either side of his head are purely decorative, occasionally for use to keep lenses in front of his eyes for reading, and little else. And he wonders why I don't ask him to help with the housework.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the cooking thing...

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 10:53 PM CST
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Friday, 24 September 2004
Crazy fucking drama from all sides
Mood:  down
Topic: Bitchy rants
What the fuck is going on? My friends and family are in the process of tearing themselves into little shreds of mutual hatred. No wonder I'm feeling frustrated - it must be everywhere. Okay, fine. I'm going to fucking blog about that thing I wasn't going to blog about. Are you happy?

First off, a friend of mine was arrested for an act of neglect against her child. I haven't talked to her in over a year, so I don't entirely know where this is all coming from. This mess was in the news, and the little bits of it I read put a very ugly face on it. Now I know her, and I realize that it's just the media blowing everything out of proportion. Friends in the WSC have been tossing out commentary about it, mostly supportive. Now she's read what's been said and thrown in her $.02. This has turned into a potential hate-fest on my happy friend list. I've been trying to not say anything. You know what - I don't exactly know how she can plead not guilty when the kid was in the trunk of her car outside the bar she was celebrating her birthday in. I mean, that's pretty much caught red-handed, right? It's not like she did anything noose-worthy, but it's still fuctup. There, I said it. I feel shitty about it, and if she reads this she'll probably be pissed at me. Hooray, more infighting to deal with.

That's not the half of it. Now there's some craziness coming from the hubby's family. His sister (not really, she's sort of an adopted part of the family - long story) moved out of his mother's place some time ago, and we've been speculating about why. Well it seems there was some sort of resentment going on, because she went over there recently and gave Mother a piece of her mind. Then her daughter did the same. I'm not going to get into the details, but it's a serious whoah! type situation. She still wants to keep in touch with us and the bro-in-law, she just has issues with Mother.

She wants to get together this weekend. Monday is the hubby's birfcake - we're likely to be in Lamesa for the weekend anyway, so it looks like we'll be making a stop in Lubbock to visit. She wanted to come here, but I don't imagine that would be a good thing.

I'm very wary now. I'd check Skywatch, but I'm not expecting anything helpful. I was already having personal issues fucking up my peace of mind, and now everything else is crumbling. I'd rather sleep through this.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 1:14 AM CDT
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Thursday, 23 September 2004
The mood darkens
Mood:  down
Topic: Bitchy rants
I broke the microwave tonight because it was pissing me off. That wasn't my intention, of course. Honestly, I'm surprised that little tap to the door would break it. So now we have to get a new one.

I made the mistake of telling the hubby that the reason my temper has been short lately is because he's the only human contact I have for weeks on end. He doesn't want to believe that the situation is an unsolvable problem. I don't deal well with new people, and I don't have anyone around that I can relate to. Not to say that there aren't perfectly nice people that I get to visit with periodically. I just don't have too much to talk about with them, and they don't want to jabber with me about my limited interests. Hell, most of them don't even realize what my interests are.

I'll be getting a bit of a break from this cabin fever in a couple weeks. The hubby thinks this is nice and should cure me, but I know it's only a temporary fix. I'm just going to have to live through it a bit longer.

There are other fuctup things going on too, mainly about the vague blog bit down there about 'someone I know.' I remain unwilling to talk about it.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 12:04 AM CDT
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Monday, 13 September 2004
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Bitchy rants
The past couple days the only writing urge I've had has been an incoherent messy bitchiness relating to my current state of general malaise.

Translation: I'm in a mood that is vague, but unpleasant.

But instead of posting it like a good little boy I'm writing up this filler crapola as a lame excuse. I'm just not really up for some supposedly illuminating essay on why I'm displeased with parts of my life, or to air unhappy memories in an attempt to sound like I'm suffering nobly despite my many human flaws. Which is kind of stupid, because that is sort of the point of keeping a blog, innit? Well that and apparently political commentary, of which I have very little because I think politics is a bunch of crap.

Which means that I'm probably not going to post too much for a while. Nothing really exciting happens around here anyway, and I'm tired of posting sick kitty and escaped cattle stories.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 9:49 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 28 July 2004
General annoyance
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Bitchy rants
WTF is up with the phone lines? This is the second time this month that I've had trouble connecting to the net because of a lack of dialtone. Last time it was because the the surge protector got zapped, and now it turns out the damn phone wiring is shot. What gives?

We had a guy from the co-op come over and fix it. He got one jack working, but I didn't want to let him loose on some big rewiring project and create another huge bill that we can't afford. So now I have to run a damn cord into the utility room so I can use the internet.

Is Mercury fucking retrograde or something? No, I'm not even going to check it.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 12:22 AM CDT
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Monday, 19 July 2004
One sore hoe
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Bitchy rants
I threw my damn back out again, hoeing up weeds in the garden. And I had just gotten over the last bout of this a couple days ago. I may have to give in and go to the chiropractor, but we really can't afford it for another couple weeks.

And on a side note, the emoticon choices are a bit lame.

Brought to you by entrOpy MULTIMEDIA at 1:21 AM CDT
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